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  1. V

    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @jjmaleyscw I would use CHF as the base currency of your broker but that is purely visual. You can have multiple currencies on IBKR. And, you can only buy a ETF in the currency in which it is denominated. As such, the general advice here is: Use IBKR, send CHF to your account, convert CHF to...
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @jjmaleyscw Let’s say there are two ETFs that track only Apple. One in CHF, one in USD. You put an equal amount of money into both. Now if Apple goes up in value (it’s a US stock, so it goes up in USD), both ETFs will go up with the same amount in “value”. If at the same time the USD lost 5%...
  3. V

    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @ugojesus Yes. The currency does not matter
  4. V

    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @letthrmusixsaveyourlife This is a misunderstanding - the value of the ETF is denomiated in a currency but the underlying assets are the same. So let’s say the ETF goes up by 8% in USD but you hold the same ETF denominated in CHF, and USD loses 3% to CHF - well then your CHF denominated ETF will...
  5. V

    Why do many in this thread choose VT over VTI or VOO or IVV?

    @onewayjesus Somehow you seem to understand and do not seem to understand the concept of diversification at the same time, it’s baffling. Maybe the US is gonna outperform VT, maybe it isn’t. That’s irrelevant for the validity of investing in VT. I am done arguing, you seem to have some anger...
  6. V

    Why do many in this thread choose VT over VTI or VOO or IVV?

    @onewayjesus There were multiple decades where EM outperformed DM, and also the US. First of all, my portfolio also went up by 20% last year, I don’t own any VT. Second of all, there are people out there that perform much better than you - why don’t you invest like these people instead of...
  7. V

    Why do many in this thread choose VT over VTI or VOO or IVV?

    @onewayjesus You look at an arbitrary time window and then claim the US outperforms. It has not always done that. Having more diversification leads to lower risk - of course, your portfolio outperformed VT recently, but that is not the point of siversification. Why did you not simply buy...