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    Life insurance exam - how do they measure height?

    @antone Really depends on the examiner. I’ve had an examiner just breeze through an exam and didn’t even ask me to take my shoes off. Another was more meticulous and made sure my shoes where off and I was not standing on carpet. Both times they used a measuring tape.
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    Advice needed:

    @columbia1990 Sounds like Agent is selling you a Return of Premium term policy. Not worth the added expense. Some Agents try to push unnecessary riders or policies on young clients because it’s the only way to increase premium. If not overweight and in good health, at 29, a 30yr term for...
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    I just can’t catch a break y’all

    @markster7 Carriers will stick to the BMI tables. They don’t care if you lift weights or not. I’ve had this argument with underwriters multiple times over the past 20 years. So not much you can do here. If you are only using edibles, there’s no reason you should get a Smoker rate. Frequency is...
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @easternpresent I would agree with you if this was an older client or someone with a family history of those same risks. In this situation, with weight being the main driver of the high rates, its something that can be worked on. Like I said in my original reply, I give my clients options and...
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @easternpresent The difference in rate between age 38 and 40 is not that great. The difference in rate between a 10 year term term and a 30 year term is pretty drastic. If your goal is to lose the weight and get re-rated jn a few years, why pay for the 30 year term? Thats thousands of dollars of...
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    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware Cholesterol with Meds isn’t a big issue. High BMi and Diabetes are, but can be controlled. If you were my client I would give you two options: 1. Do you see yourself getting healthier in the next 2-5 years? If yes. Get a 10 year 3 million term. If you lose the weight and get...
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    22 Y/O hoping to get term and whole

    @jsc2009 Sure. I can answer any related questions you may have.
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    22 Y/O hoping to get term and whole

    @jsc2009 As an agent and as a father. Max out on a term policy. ROP is just adding to the premium, so I avoid that. If healthy, 500K to $1 million dollar term for 30 years should he less than $30 a month. I’ll rather make sure my kids get a big payout then putting money into a Whole Life policy...
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    Term Life Insurance after Bariatric Surgery

    @noelle_likechristmas No. The surgery isn’t the issue. It’s the health issues in the past. You can technically qualify for preferred rates after gastric surgery with some companies. Overall health history as yours is very complicated to underwrite and they are not just looking at your health...
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    Denied Permanent Policy

    @nayse You are now in the system as being declined for Cocaine. You would have to show abstinence for several years before you would be accepted for any type of underwritten policy. You can’t just ask for another test. Now anytime you complete an application, you have to answer yes to the drug...