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  1. P

    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @williamson of course. that’s why i’m asking the question.
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @goosie22b that is certainly a thing I could do. i won’t, but i could.
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @thetruthalonewemustobey Weird combination of large state kicker and first home purchase allowing me to claim some interest payments back
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @kristenn Maxed YoY with contributions from my pay
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @caleste yeah, 2 years and a bit under $70k in interest off the life of the mortgage
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @ez_fx that makes sense. increased a fair bit over last year
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @ann72 Mentioned in other comments, but it was a weird year. My state (OR) is kicking back a bunch of money from last year (~3500 for me), and I bought a house late 2022 that seems to boost my deductions more than expected. I’m 26 and recently started making non-trivial amounts of money, so I...
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    @myles0 My state has a big kicker this year, I bought a house and pay interest on the loan.
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    $15k tax return. What to do?

    I ended up with a $15k return this year. I don’t need the cash, have my emergency funds and everything in order, and don’t know what to do with the lump sum. I could dump it in a HYSA, I could pay down my home loan (my only debt, 6.125% rate), or I could get a new car (not an immediate need but...