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  1. B

    Buy a condo w/o mortgage or a better one with?

    @reubzk Yes taxes in a non-reg. I was implying no property taxes. No condo fees. Etc etc. It all adds up. Why become a LL anyway?
  2. B

    Buy a condo w/o mortgage or a better one with?

    @gokotas He would make more by putting 830k into a GIC. No tenant drama. No condo fees. No maintenance. No insurance. No taxes.
  3. B

    Buy a condo w/o mortgage or a better one with?

    @copwife13 at which point OP can then throw it all in VFV and let it ride for 20+ years.
  4. B

    Buy a condo w/o mortgage or a better one with?

    @dbog you can get GICs paying 5.25% for 1 year. No risk. What if your tenant decides to skip on rent?
  5. B

    Buy a condo w/o mortgage or a better one with?

    @dbog Put 830k into CASH.TO and it will pay your rent. No loss of down payment. No condo fees. No interest payments. No taxes, fees, etc.
  6. B

    10 y GIC at 5% or S&P 500 in your TFSA ?

    @bluesky95 The source is myself. It's all BS. No one has a crystal ball.
  7. B

    10 y GIC at 5% or S&P 500 in your TFSA ?

    @bluesky95 Lol those context blurbs are hilarious. I heard the opposite.