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    3 points on my driving record in cali. All companies deny me or are too expensive! Any help?

    @nesiory You have two separate incidents in the last year that show you have been a super reckless driver. And as far as the insurance companies know, you were just lucky as fuck not to have killed somebody or gotten caught speeding until now. Actions have consequences, and right now you’re...
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    Trying to reverse car total decision

    @sodomyslayer69 No. If it doesn’t make financial sense for them to attempt to repair the car, then they won’t.
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    When receiving an insurance quote, is it presumed the quoted amount is for 1 year, and not 6 months?

    @citrus2 It should say somewhere on the quote the time period. Most carriers are only doing 6 months these days, so I personally would first assume that’s what it is before I’d think a year. But again, somewhere it will say what the policy period is on the renewal quote.
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    Help with my dad’s bike

    @emeraldfields Few things. (1) I’m going to be very blunt here, and don’t take it personally. There’s just a lot to say already, and I don’t want to waste my time trying to say it in a nicer way. (2) The sentimental value of the bike means nothing to anybody but you. Insurance doesn’t pay...
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    126.8% Increase

    @taisho Insurance rates across the country are skyrocketing due to inflation and other factors. All you can do is shop around for a better rate. Also as a side note, I wouldn’t be surprised if that does include your daughter. They periodically run sweeps to determine if there are new people of...
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    Their insurance won’t show us the bills?

    @misschris These areas are not my specialty, but I don’t believe that your health insurance is ever used with car accidents. I don’t know if it even can be as there might be specific exclusions and/or laws that clarify or that specify as much. If your health insurance was used though, that...
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    Help! Vehicle registered out of state/ car accident with Oregon insurance

    @abstractsbybrian This is more of a legal question than an insurance one.
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    How to get around charges for lapse in coverage???

    @here2helpyou I can’t guess. There’s so many things that go into insurance rates, and many are very sensitive to small changes too. Outside of being able to say what will hurt you and what will help, rates are unpredictable to the point I missed on my budgeting estimates for my own rate by over...
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    Their insurance won’t show us the bills?

    @misschris You don’t have any right to this option. The hospital is the one who is owed money for the services they provided, and the insurance company has agreed to pay for those services. And the hospitals are always going to skip over you as the middle man in this situation, because they can...
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    How to get around charges for lapse in coverage???

    @here2helpyou It doesn’t matter why you had a lapse in insurance, just that you had one. It is on your record, and there’s no getting around that. Parking tickets don’t affect your insurance rates. Call an independent agent when you decide to get a new car, and BEFORE you go through with the...
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    Their insurance won’t show us the bills?

    @misschris That seems a little bit odd, but as long as all your medical bills are getting paid, I don’t see what the problem is.
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    Their insurance won’t show us the bills?

    @misschris So is the problem that you just don’t have the third medical bill? Why can’t you just request a copy of it directly from the hospital or doctor?
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    GEICO increased my policy :(

    @morebelwoman Call an independent insurance agent in your area and see what they can find. They’re your best shot and finding the best rate available for you
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    UPDATE on Burnt 91' 4Runner, offered 5.2K for her

    @dustoff What kind of stuff did you spend the extra $3k on? If it was after market add ons like a new stereo or something similar, you may be able to get some extra for it. But if it was more ‘general maintenance’ type stuff, you’re probably SOL. A vehicle that old would be expected to have...
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    How does switching work when under 6-month contract?

    @acurisur A) they do send out renewal notices. It’s required by law that they send you the documents well ahead of time telling you what your new rates will be. Doesn’t matter whether you paid in full or are paying monthly. B) Pretty much all insurers will refund unearned premium (premium paid...
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    Need help 17 y/o

    @allie_2 You can have them shop around to see if they can find a better rate. Have them call an independent agent, they’re free to use and can help a lot with making shopping around easier. But no, you don’t really have any options here. You need to be listed on their policy to drive.
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    Concerned fraudulent insurance policy taken out in my name

    @jaimea Well this sibling is dumb enough that they have multiple DUIs, so honestly I think you’re giving them too much credit to assume they’d immediately catch on to this. Doesn’t hurt to try
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    Dental Costs Not Making Sense

    @mikegray (1) It is likely that “Amount submitted” is the out of network cost for the procedure. Assuming the dentist was in network, that got you a discount, which is where this difference comes from. (2) Little bit of a guess here, but I think what happened here is either the dentist...
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    Life insurance company told me I’m the beneficiary when I wasn’t to avoid a bad faith lawsuit

    @maxyss That’s wild actually. Although I’d guess it’s pretty difficult to prove/enforce
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    Life insurance company told me I’m the beneficiary when I wasn’t to avoid a bad faith lawsuit

    @beauty86 Again, where’s the damages? It’s not like they paid you and then took their money back after you spent it. They made a mistake and said you would receive money, but caught the mistake and you never got it. Can I sue my employer for my bonus only being 3% when they said it could be...