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  1. M

    Finally got my Degiro account approved - need advice on planning my finances as an Indian living in AUT

    @lovegod033 Hi! My 2 cents. Also a foreigner PhD student in Austria. Same salary. Sorry, you can’t afford that car. Most of my coworkers, don’t own a car and we live very frugal to be able to save a bit. With the exception of the ones getting a flat from their parents. And even those buy a...
  2. M

    Finally got my Degiro account approved - need advice on planning my finances as an Indian living in AUT

    @nelsonnoah Another great comment. Degiro is low-fee, but a lot of hassle.
  3. M

    Ph.D. student's budget vs life in Vienna

    @james2333 You can do all that. There is also an option of bildungskarenz after your PhD. My austrian university generously contributed to second pension pillar as well. For me the salary was great and I managed to continously save about 1/4 of it, while occasionaly eating out, going for drinks...