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  1. M

    Something you do ‘right’ that’s ’wrong’?

    @twenty15girl If you’re in the bracket you’re saying you’re in, you likely can’t deduct the benefit of a traditional from your taxes anyways so you are probably doing your only option. If this isn’t the case for you, then you likely aren’t in a medium high bracket.
  2. M

    Something you do ‘right’ that’s ’wrong’?

    @polcat So what’s your reasoning? Surely the 5% cash rate environment can’t be that attractive. Lol
  3. M

    Something you do ‘right’ that’s ’wrong’?

    @jesussaves7763 Eh. He’d have a lot of money if he invested that in the market as a whole. Even more if he was aggressive with the top 5-10 companies in the S&P.
  4. M

    Something you do ‘right’ that’s ’wrong’?

    @snowshard14 YOLO!