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  1. R

    Quick Comparison on Popular MMF Platforms (Go+, Go Invest, KDI Save, Versa, StashAway, FSMOne)

    @lauren5 No issues so far for me, so I'm yet to contact their customers services. Bit too late now if you haven't registered yet. I'm guessing the interest rate is gonna be low once the promotion ends in December
  2. R

    Quick Comparison on Popular MMF Platforms (Go+, Go Invest, KDI Save, Versa, StashAway, FSMOne)

    @robster1981 Its the same for every banks that use DuitNow as their local transfer (CIMB, for example) unless they waive it... Just don't transfer over 5k per transaction?
  3. R

    Quick Comparison on Popular MMF Platforms (Go+, Go Invest, KDI Save, Versa, StashAway, FSMOne)

    @robster1981 Nope. It's a savings account like any other bank. Transfer out using DuitNow instant transfer
  4. R

    Quick Comparison on Popular MMF Platforms (Go+, Go Invest, KDI Save, Versa, StashAway, FSMOne)

    @thenarrowpath check out Rize New digital bank in Malaysia currently offering 5% interest to the first 5k and then 4% to remaining fund. It's a saving account too so the cashout is instant. Not sure how long this interest will last tho.
  5. R

    Bank accounts

    @gtfox26 Disagreed. StanChart mobile app looks like it’s done by some interns as well