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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @animalinstinct I guess I don’t really have a goal defined. I’m not much of an equities investor but I just want to optimize this pot of money without having to spend much time thinking about it or actively managing it.
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @rhianne Im not as bullish on the rest of the world. I explained it just a minute ago in this thread:\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @rhianne Fair. I might add Ex-US in the future.
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @readytogo2 Agreed. I looked at the returns and it is way too conservative to be responsible for all of my money
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @eascusa First time rebalancing?
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @eascusa Ok! I’m open to more risk
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @itisbeebop Ok, I decided I need to get involved with it. I have focused on real estate the past few years, but since the market rates are rough, I’m ready to optimize this pot of cash
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @walterburkhardt44 That’s a little different than what I’m asking to do hahaha
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @walterburkhardt44 What did you do?
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @pauledwardmorgan You’re completely right! But the reason I’m motivated to rebalance is that I basically missed out on the face ripping returns that some people made by just being in market funds recently
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @pauledwardmorgan Look over the past two years though
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @paul2017 Ok, the fund is not great returner compared to the market but it does better against losses as well
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @ironlak21 Why do you say that?
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @danparkhouse95 Yea I’m not going to do anything beyond set and forget. I don’t have enough time for active management
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    @jhutch77 I appreciate your thorough explanation!! The US vs International aspect is very interesting in choosing your horse to bet on
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    Should I manage my own 401(k)?

    I’m closing in on $100K in my 401(k) at 30yo. I’ve been contributing for 4 years. My entire 401(k) is currently invested in the Vanguard Target 2060 Fund. I was considering splitting my future contributions between this fund and an S&P 500 Index fund. Thoughts? I’m open to suggestions of other...