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  1. P


    @giveheart He says it is, I can't help but believe that deep down it is something he wants but now with this at play, I question if this is an "excuse".
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    @oaktree500 Oh goodness, that is scary. Oddly enough, my mom was having this VERY conversation with me Saturday. My cousin (same age) on my dads side just got dx with ovarian cancer, her mom had it as well. She will forever be unable to have kids of her own. Though she was always of the "kids...
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    @joshua371 That's very true indeed. You really hit home with that, on my end as well. Thank you!!!
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    @cecjolie We aren’t facing homelessness but we definitely struggle a lot through out the month. I thought we were doing much better than we were starting out, we’ve come a long way after him being laid off. We both have stable jobs and I even have a second part time job for a few extra dollars...
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    @resjudicata I do agree and absolutely think this is his sentiment. He is a very reasonable/rational man overall and doesn't make decisions lightly. Thank you for your response!
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    @strange1 Yes, and yes. He does. His response is what do you want me to do about this, I can’t help our situation any more than I am
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    So let me just start by saying… I know this post is going to sound a bit selfish and I apologize in advance but I’m annoyed. Just over it. I have been going to a doctor regarding seeing where I stand to have kids. My s/o and I talked in depth about it. I thought we had reached a different...