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    [Guide] How to save MYR, the kiam siap fresh grad edition

    @figuringitallout21 Is the PRS tax relief still available for 2021? What/how to get PRS for tax rebate purposes, a bit blur about this
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    Financial anxiety is real. Convince me to spend my bonus

    @kimmyfs Give it a try! I do this because if I spend OR save all of it, either way I’ll feel guilty about not doing the other
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    Is EPF the best low risk investment for people above 60 y/o?

    @treegreentrey IMO yes. The key grouse most people have with putting funds into EPF is the illiquidity, which ceases being an issue once you reach 55 years old because you’ll be to withdraw it for use easily anytime. With the partial withdrawal option, it kinda works like a high interest...
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    Financial anxiety is real. Convince me to spend my bonus

    @kimmyfs I feel you, I’m forever wondering why people around me are able to afford things that I can’t and it makes me anxious - there’s no way I can ask them about money matters without weirding them out because personal finance is a topic that’s sensitive for them. It’s why I like reading...
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    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 I don’t think that’s necessary, it would be safer if she keeps her kwsp money in her account instead and just withdraw some amounts enough for use. I would think kwsp’s security is better than banks, harder to get hacked. But it’s a good sign, shows that she trusts you, thus unlikely...
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    Financial Loss

    @cookie1720 Is your mom old enough to withdraw her KWSP savings? If yes, please keep an eye out. A lot of times people who have been scammed once, fall for another scam right after that because they’re stressed out and irrationally think that they need to somehow recoup their losses. It clouds...