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  1. K

    where can I start planning my financial future?

    @lizah agree with everything you said, but donation tax depends on the canton see here (didn't find a source in english sadly)
  2. K

    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @purchasedpossession I was a bit tired when I wrote this, the thing about breach of contract you are 100% correct. That was poorly worded. About the other part with amount of missed interest + fee is correct. Depending on the bank they might make reductions for how much they could reinvest...
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    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @ulkon I'll try my best to explain it as simple as possible. Let's say you have a mortgage on a house. You owned this house for now 20 years and finally want to sell it. But 2 years ago you refinanced it for 5 years and 0.80% interest. Theoretically you still have 3 years until your mortgage...
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    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @ditzydollshana I don't really want to reveal where I worked at. There were houses where it was 1%, but those were usually stuff like Farmhouses, Apartment buildings, etc. Banks do have some different rules around these things, for example some banks calculated your creditworthiness with your...
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    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @kimberlykay I think I am somewhat qualified to answer at least some of your questions, as I worked at a bank for a couple years and am right now studying Banking & Finance. - 1.10% - 1.30% for a 5 year mortgage seems quite high to me. This range would probably be more accurate if we are...