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  1. J

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @kletoskletos Above are some of the specific stocks that I have and their dividend percentage. Please keep in mind that I got into these stocks at different times so how they have performed for me might not be the same as will perform for you. The dividends would be the same percentage but...
  2. J

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @kletoskletos I started with Real Estate during the first half of my military career. The money that I made from Real Estate I used to invest in high dividend-yielding stocks and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) (also my Turo business but that's a different story). I posted a list of my...
  3. J

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @nick220 My average yield for my entire portfolio is 5.62%. My highest dividend yielding stocks are: USOI 19.51% CLM 14.56% CRF 14.43% QYLD 11.32% RYLD 11.32% SMHB 11.16% GOF 10.65%, PDI 9.95%, GNL 9.94%, PCI 9.82%, ARCC 7.82%, SSSS 7.80%, MO 7.64%, JEPI 7.52%, ABR 7.32%, CSWC 6.96%, MAIN...
  4. J

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @nick220 Don't get me wrong I still get nervous about putting more money into this market. I think you are right the slow approach is smart.
  5. J

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @nick220 People have been talking about a 15-20% dump for the last 10 years. I am not saying it isn't going to happen but folks that didn't get in 10 years ago missed a hell of a Bull run.
  6. J

    What to do with $125K right now?

    @nick220 Start building a strong dividend portfolio. You want some passive income to help cover between your military retirement and when you will be eligible to take out the funds in your ROTH. If you DRIP (Dividend Reinvestment) for the next 6 years you could add over 2K in dividend income...