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    How to invest during weak EUR, high inflation, and meek interest rate?

    @kcnalp Do not be a gambler, do not bet, stay the course.
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    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    @stephenk Hedge has costs, when you hedge foreign bonds, the rate of returns equals the return of local bonds. Compare iShares Euro Government Bond 1-3yr UCITS ETF (Dist) and iShares...
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @resjudicata For all US situs assets
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    Is it possible to buy US Treasury Bonds (T-bills, T-notes) as European?

    @resjudicata Estate tax if you die.
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    How to buy 6-month treasuries from Europe?

    @knutnat2 There is no free lunch - by holding US treasuries EU investor is exposed to FX risk.
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    Portfolio Advice

    @all2jesus I am giving a downvote for the second sentence.
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    Invesco new”VWCE” at 0.15% TER

    @kaytiedid The Total Expense Ratio (TER) is only a fraction of the cost of owning an ETF. The Tracking Difference (TD) is a better indicator of the actual cost of holding an ETF. Though useful, tracking difference is a tricky metric: it isn’t available for all funds, it fluctuates, it is...
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    ETF vs BKR.B?

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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @ldarlingt Since 1990, the vast majority of the US’s outperformance versus the MSCI EAFE Index (currency hedged) of a whopping +4.6% per year, was due to changes in valuations. The culprit: In 1990, US equity valuations (using Shiller CAPE14) were about half that of EAFE; at the end of 2022...
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    Financing a car purchase

    @jstigga The math is this and you know it: if your investments will earn more then 4,2% - you win, if less - you loose. The next step is to calculate by how much you can win and loose and to evaluate if these sums are worth the hassle. For more information you could reads these threads from...