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    E-Gold vs Physical Gold

    @ruenie88 You have less than RM10K. Keep the cash and don't waste it buying gold lol
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    Question on resignation

    @reebs Depending on how nice your boss is, maybe you could talk to them and come to a mutual agreement to have the 2-months shortened to a one-month notice. That way, you won't have to pay. Maybe try to be diplomatic. You could say something along the lines of, hey actually I am free to leave...
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    Question on resignation

    @reebs Not a practicing lawyer, but I would still think that you are free to leave according to Clause 13(c): expiry of the contract on 9 March 2024. You should be able to start your new job. But I really don't know why you didn't just tell your old company that you weren't interested in...
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @lynq Nobody is saying don't get a medical plan....? The idea is getting a standalone medical card (probably about RM1k-1.5k) a year vs paying RM325 a month. You can read the links I've sent to see what is optimal vs what you have been doing. Your idea of "oh I've already paid the commission...
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    Loan Aeon 7.92% or Chileas 6.59% p.a

    @dekaewaii Ridiculously high interest rates... none
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @chretien22 I'm definitely not good either compared to agents who do this every day. I would suggest talking to an agent. But if you want to start reading a little bit, these two articles were very useful for me...
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @mlorrainee Not an expert by any means (I'm lucky to have a very nice financial advisor and I throw everything insurance-related to her), but my understanding is that it will auto-renew for the length of the entire term. I didn't have to do a health check, but this depends on which plan as well...
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    Path to FIRE FUND

    @lichtoefur Yeah I try to save 10% of my monthly income (on top of investments) for a medium-term fund (travel, property, car). So hopefully I’ll never need the money in EPF anyway Yeap IBKR! It’s by far the cheapest option on the market although the UI and the app is kinda bad lol I just...
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    Is Investment-Linked Insurance a Sneaky Trap?

    @chretien22 All investment-linked insurance is terrible if you know how to calculate the time value of money and how to do simple investments (even EPF/ASB would be better). Of course a lot of people don't care, but good that you do! I would cancel if there is no penalty, take out whatever...
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    Need assistance navigating remote work role for a SG startup

    @jfay (1) I would suggest opening a Singapore account and asking to be paid in SGD. That could also speed up the payment so you'll receive it before the 7th of the following month because bank transfers are instant. Notwithstanding that you are to be paid in MYR, Finance can just use the...
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    Path to FIRE FUND

    @lichtoefur Wah I have more or less a similar profile as you. I'm doing half-half EPF and S&P 500 (CSPX to be specific, other people have pointed out the 15% vs 30% dividend withholding tax). Rationale for EPF is two-fold: (1) to have some "presence" in Malaysia so it doesn't look like I am...
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    Need assistance navigating remote work role for a SG startup

    @jfay Just want to point out for 2 and 3: (2) I don't think it will fluctuate too much on your side. If your salary is MYR 10,000 and the exchange rate is 3.52 (as it is now), the company pays you S$2844.29. If the exchange rate is 3.50, the company pays you S$2857.14. Either way, you still get...