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  1. C

    Organ meats are cheap

    @benjaminb One of my friends works in a restaurant, I’ll ask where he gets it from!
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @highlyfavoured Oh right haha excuse my ignorance
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @highlyfavoured Was it for a tripe smoothie or something??
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @estephan Ahh ok good to know. Thanks:)
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @miray I still can’t get tripe right, is there a way to get rid of the smell? I find it a bit strong!
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @mommy1234 Oh that’s a great idea! I might try that with beef mince if I get tired of the straight liver flavour
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @typological1 Are there any other seasonings? 😁 sounds great normally I just eat beef liver
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @highlyfavoured Wow thanks that’s a really good detailed answer on what to do with organ meats. Which butcher do you go to? I normally just see beef and pork organ products where I go. I want to try more chicken related things now
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    Organ meats are cheap

    Oh wait you said pan lol my bad
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @shinesun That sounds really good, is the liver cooked on the pan or the bbq?
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    Organ meats are cheap

    @godisgood Oh nice!! I’ll have to try this
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    Organ meats are cheap

    I always used to think organ meats were gross until I dated a Japanese guy and made Chinese friends, and saw how they cooked it. Organ meats can be less than half the price of muscle meats, and way more nutritionally rich. Beef tongue for example, cut thin and cooked on a grill or pan can be...