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    Budget for 70k-80k

    @churley79 Nice try Steuerverwaltung
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    Budget for 70k-80k

    @phyllisgault Appreciate your jnput
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    Budget for 70k-80k

    @phyllisgault Have you considered health insurance? I pay another 12-14% per month for 3 people, one
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    Budget for 70k-80k

    @xc37 Lol, 1600 wohnen, 210 steuern. Get a grip. 4.5 room apartments in Bern and agglo below 2k is delusional. I pay 15% taxes although we have a kid, wife at home with the kid, so no kita and I can make the full kinderabzug. I have a säule 3a and pay in the full amount. 1k in geoceries is...