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    Pro Tip: Never invest with Robo stocks in a non-registered account

    @musicman5509 If you have them inside of registered accounts there are no capital gains payable or ACB to compute. You're fine.
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    Pro Tip: Never invest with Robo stocks in a non-registered account

    @madisonshpprd Why would you be liable for taxes? It's actually the opposite in some cases. The TFSA is subject to the foreign witholding tax due to the tax treaty not recognizing it on a TFSA (but does on an RRSP) However, this tax has nothing to do with capital gains or ACB. You are taxed on...
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    Pro Tip: Never invest with Robo stocks in a non-registered account

    @madisonshpprd You are confusing day trading regulations with capital gains and ACB tracking.
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    Pro Tip: Never invest with Robo stocks in a non-registered account

    @cbole You absolutely need to record capital gains on those in a non registered. It's simpler, yes, but you need worry and track ACB.