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  1. J

    How long have they been charging us 6.5% on Student loans? 🫣😂

    @hall I went during late labour government, it was policy to push this. We had careers advisors and whatever you told them they said it was a guarantee you would need a degree to do XYZ. They would point at a reference book which all said the same thing lol. This culture is also from business...
  2. J

    How good is /r/ukpersonalfinance at predicting interest rates: a retrospective

    @topolski18 Yeah they only know for certain the next month what they set it at, but they don't know the next year, well they have an idea like we do, but with a bit more accuracy (you would hope!)
  3. J

    Low energy dehumidifiers worth the investment?

    @graybuffalo I got a meaco abc 12l and it's excellent I think it uses around 150w.