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    Bonds allocation and instruments. A bit lost

    @hrosec 100 k more or less. Thanks for the input - Kassenobligationen are probably the way to go when the deadline is known and below 10 years. I am also considering additional payments in the 2nd pillar because of their immediate tax advantage and their availability in case of a home purcahse...
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    Bonds allocation and instruments. A bit lost

    Hi everyone, I have a doubt about how to increase my exposure to fixed income instruments. The boundary conditions: Current allocation: emergency fund in a HYSA, while my investments are fully in cheap stocks ETFs (80% world and 20% swiss for some local bias) Life situation: 35, employed...
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    Does it make sense not to own a car at all?

    @jamesf123 I also live carfree and I enjoy it. Every time I hear people talking about how much time they use to take care of their car, I get more and more convinced of my choice. Anyway, car are also useful, especially with family and on weekends. Idea: if the costs and the lack of use are...
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    What's up with those ads for real estate investment from 10k CHF?

    @jamesf123 Probably a not very liquid investment, I guess