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  1. J

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @mitchrad You can shelter more money. I suggest maxing out a Roth 401k, if possible, as well as a Roth IRA.
  2. J

    Investing in JEPI/Q right now

    @resjudicata Sure, but I already have pointed out something incorrect... he leads with the blather about "no reason whatsoever". I explained that a valid reason to prefer dividend payers is getting income which does not depend on the share price. The independence from the share price is highly...
  3. J

    Investing in JEPI/Q right now

    @resjudicata False, though that canard is popular on /r/bogleheads here. You viewed a Ben Felix video, am I right? You should ignore such misleading info about dividends. They're not "irrelevant", not "taken from the share price" in the sense of being an accounting trick, etc. They're real...
  4. J

    Fed Working Paper - 40% of real corporate profit growth after 1989 was fueled by a decline of interest rates and corporate tax cuts.

    @shellyeve In future you can save a lot of words if you just write "BTFD". HTH