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  1. F

    AllState refuses to pay airport taxes and fees on rentals. Any suggestions?

    @thewordiswisdom Not responsible if the repair facility simply wasted time sitting on the car for no good reason. If there are genuine parts delays, and policy limits allow for this claimant/3rd party, we’d be on the hook for rental until repairs are complete. I’ve had Mazda customers in...
  2. F

    AllState refuses to pay airport taxes and fees on rentals. Any suggestions?

    @thewordiswisdom It depends on what the root cause of the delay is. For a customer with rental coverage - nothing beyond their own line coverage. But if we as the carrier caused delays by not being timely in inspecting, we might cover days we lost. For a 3rd party, if the delays are impossible...
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    AllState refuses to pay airport taxes and fees on rentals. Any suggestions?

    @phdjones You’ll never get angrier customer calls than one who just got misinformed or overpromised by their agent. I feel like claims handling for a short period of time should be apart of agent licensure. Perhaps the reverse could be true things like regarding misrepresentation...
  4. F

    AllState refuses to pay airport taxes and fees on rentals. Any suggestions?

    @andiluvs Agreed on all counts. But at the end of the day anything is possible and the onus is now on OP to support their claim. With respect to case law - it’s a big country and I can’t pretend to know how other states have decided things. I assume most of the state to state stuff rhymes but...
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    AllState refuses to pay airport taxes and fees on rentals. Any suggestions?

    @hrse2wtr You have an obligation to mitigate costs and picking up at the airport location was the more expensive option. Was there simply not a closer rental Location? Was the next closest impractically far? We as adjusters can’t even make a reservation for people at airport locations. You...
  6. F

    Total Loss Accident

    @junior59 The lack of comps is an issue. It’s not really a negotiation. There are accepted ways that are within regulation to have calculated an ACV and that’s what they got. I assume they averaged a dual source report of redbook and nada if there were no comps (unless you meant there were just...