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    Why the timing of tax relief doesn’t matter, and why that’s an oversimplification (especially for pensions)

    @skylos Nobody has a crystal ball, but if it's the same investment with the same charges, same growth and tax relief stays the same then it's the same uplift and you're in the same position regardless of when you move it across. However, when people make this point and get downvoted the...
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    Why the timing of tax relief doesn’t matter, and why that’s an oversimplification (especially for pensions)

    @roger5599 Good post. I (and others) have been downvoted on several occasions for pointing out that you should be in the same position if you use an ISA for 10 years and then move it into a pension as putting it all into a pension now, even when you use the figures to back it up, because some on...
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    Adding to a defined benefit pension (Civil Service)

    @annakorp There was a fairly in-depth discussion relating to pensions on r/TheCivilService not too long ago that may help, as may that sub in general: This may also help: I wouldn't be so hasty to rule out the AVC scheme...
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    Anyone care to speculate on the mortgage situation next summer? I'm losing my mind with worry

    @anotherklutz No offence, but it sounds like you're losing your marbles. People make poor decisions when they panic. You can generally secure a new mortgage up to six months before the current deal ends, so you could start looking early next year. How high do you think they're going to go up in...
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    Best way to invest 10k in U.K for return in 5 years?

    @justrhi Define what medium and high risk means to you. Everyone has their own interpretation of risk. I would suggest doing a bit of reading, the Wiki is a great place to start, because one of the key things with investing is to understand what you're putting your money in and why.