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  1. P

    Filing CPP taxes for first time.

    @livelovelaugh17 I was on CPP Disability for the entire year. I had to pay about $47 on my taxes this year. I strongly urge you to investigate this for him. He will be much better off not paying the government extra.
  2. P

    Filing CPP taxes for first time.

    @livelovelaugh17 Why take anything extra off for taxes? Put it into a TFSA , he'll make more than enough interest to pay for whatever taxes he'll have to pay at year end
  3. P

    Health/disability etc...

    @audmanout Yes, the regular CPP is less, and the OAS also kicks in That's why it's important to meet with a financial advisor to get a clear picture of what to expect.
  4. P

    Health/disability etc...

    @reborneth You need to go on EI first, then after the 15 weeks of medical leave you can start your long term disability. Your insurance company may make you apply for CPP Disability as well. If they do its not as long a process as the other poster made it out to be. I applied online and had my...
  5. P

    Pension plan for my employees

    @ramsby194 Nope, but thanks for the response! Sounds like a great place to work!
  6. P

    Pension plan for my employees

    @ramsby194 Are you hiring?