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    Has anyone else exceeded their liability limit?

    @brendaperiah How is it suspicious if nobody was there when it started? Did the fire department investigate? Do you have their report? That could be bad faith. Your insurance owes you a proper investigation and defense, not the easy way. In some states your home would be exempt from...
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    business insurance Q

    @maxkim Then so should you. A better question is "Should you?" No. Why bring somebody else's problems on to your insurance? Besides, doing this frequently is likely to annoy your agent and you underwriters and could make you a higher risk for renewal.
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    Job Interview requires insurance for test drive (TX) but l don't have a car

    @macb You are dealing with stupid people who have no clue about their own insurance. Do you really want to work for people like that?
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    Does anyone else here NOT work directly in insurance?

    @peinopela The industry members that participate here are people who deal (in some way) with the insurance buying consumer. We are here to answer the questions of the insurance buying consumer because that's what we do. I would be quite amazed if there were any corporate executives or insurance...
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    Pet insurance big hike in payments for renewal this year

    @jocelynvenus For the past 8 years you've paid approximately $8372 for pet insurance. With only $1000 in claims. Add another $2132 for the coming year (if you keep it) and the total comes to $10504. Good argument for never buying pet insurance.
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    Help Me Advise 81/85 YO Parents on Their Life Insurance Policies

    @chris1975 To find out how long they have had the policies, the issue date should be on the first page of the policy or you can look at the application date. The application should be attached to the back of the policy. Of course, if you are just looking at a statement and not the policies you...
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    $2,500 vs $5,000 deductible

    @justmeoverhere You've answered your own question. A higher deductible is a good idea when you have the cash set aside to cover your own small losses.
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    Question on Universal Life Insurance

    @clark_kent "I was told" is the most dangerous phrase in the English language. Read your policy. It will say whether it's paid up after a certain number of years.
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    Life Insurance for 80 year old

    @learningasigo "dude_knows_insurance" is suggesting fraud. All I meant was that the insured's address doesn't matter when the claim occurs as long as the application was truthful. You don't have to phony up an address to get your Dad a life insurance policy. You can pay for the policy, you...
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    Life Insurance for 80 year old

    @07mateusz The address doesn't matter. What matters is that your name is on the policy as beneficiary.
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    Choosing between 3 companies…

    @gmmintro You can look up their financial ratings at AM Best
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    Need a licensed Insurance broker to go over potential coverage

    @resjudicata A common option with life insurance is a waiver of premium if you become disabled.