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  1. S

    Any Xactimate Experts or others policyholder with success fighting insurance company adjusters Please Advise

    @ejc420 Another thing to keep in mind regarding depreciation: Even if you have a replacement cost policy, you’re only going to get ACV up front. You recover the depreciation after the repairs/replacement are complete. So don’t expect to receive it all in your initial payment. If you think...
  2. S

    Any Xactimate Experts or others policyholder with success fighting insurance company adjusters Please Advise

    @ejc420 The depreciation should be visible on the estimate. It will be one of the columns. If it’s not on there you can ask them for a copy with the depreciation showing, they can change a setting in Xact to print it this way. What you’re describing sounds weird though. Can you post a pic of a...
  3. S

    Any Xactimate Experts or others policyholder with success fighting insurance company adjusters Please Advise

    @ejc420 Ok, now you have some specific Xact questions, great. There are different grades of materials. Standard, high, premium, etc. In order for an adjuster to use a high or premium grade item in an estimate they will need proof that the higher grade item existed, like photo documentation...