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  1. K

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @amethyst86purple USD in the names means the fund is trading in USD at the source. Almost all etfs are structured like that regardless of whether they are domiciled in the US or EU (Ireland). What you are asking for is what the instrument is deniminated in. In this case the fund is denominated...
  2. K

    Thoughts on portfolio

    @raiah16 Youre welcome! On option 2 vs 3 i dont really have much to say. As long as YOU understand the differences between both and are comfortable with your choice, either is fine. The difference in return (and volatility) is relatively small. Much more attention will require the overall...
  3. K

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @amethyst86purple IE00B4L5Y983 this the OG all world, started in 2009 - look it up on Its the ishares/blackrock one following the msci index. People on the sub always recommend IE00BK5BQT80 which is from 2019 but its vanguard and following the ftsi index. Vanguard is a much more...
  4. K

    Thoughts on portfolio

    @raiah16 Glad i could help. Individual stocks are just very risky long term holds by their nature. Out of the 5 top companies now only 2 will probably still be there in 30 years. So its an odds game and therefore a risky play. Im not saying dont do it but its something you will always have to...
  5. K

    24 yo | ~42K savings | retirement advice

    @amethyst86purple Emergency fund is too low, its not just about losing your job, its also for unpredicted expenses like car repairs, home repairs, healthcare, relatives help, etc etc, even if some of these dont apply to you, there will be others not listed here. At the same time you say you have...
  6. K

    Thoughts on portfolio

    @raiah16 The whole point of etfs is invest and forget as they’ll do the rebalancing for you. This is counterintuitive with individual stocks because while apple might be doing well for the next 20 years can you say it will also do for 30 years and if the answer is no that means you are basically...