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  1. K

    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @wondering098 Thanks, I will post there as well.
  2. K

    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @lostgirllikereallylost Thanks for this, makes sense. I guess the tradeoff that shot duration mortgages have is that you increase your risk profile when SNB pulls the trigger and increases rates. That's exactly my learning. The two biggest financial drivers are house price appreciation and...
  3. K

    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @ditzydollshana Great feedback, thanks a lot! I like the spirit of the videos and I agree with many points. The intention of the model I published was to allow a more specific conclusion than the blanket "5% rule" mentioned in the video. I think given the swiss specifics (ability to deduct...
  4. K

    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    @keubadicon Good point. I assumed a mixed mortgage, for the 15 year part, a higher interest rate would apply. Fully agree here as well, was just referencing the 60/40 portfolio as it is apparently considered a standard portfolio. Regarding the 8% stock market return - that would need to be...
  5. K

    Buy or rent a home in Switzerland - Google sheet

    Ok, as a resolution for 2022, let me try to make the decision whether to buy or rent a home in Switzerland a bit more rational. With price to rent ratios typically above 30, I find it really hard to justify buying real estate in our beautiful country. I have tried to adjust a model from Holy...