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  1. P

    Term life how to structure, ladder or not?

    @bmillerware You could run a few different scenarios here. You could ladder for a few of your objectives. At the end of the day what you should be most concerned about is your total coverage. At the end of the day and a worst case scenario your beneficiaries won’t ask which policy was for what...
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    Life insurance companies that allow the insured to set up payout structure?

    @zakk Never heard of this. If this is what you are looking to accomplish, set up a trust as a beneficiary then stipulate in the trust how you want it paid out.
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    Whole life insurance help

    @darlene5 Your NYL agent most likely put your entire premium towards target premium and didn’t set it up to maximize cash if that was your goal. You will most likely see a dollar for dollar equivalent around year 10-12 Until then you will always be behind They most likely set it up to...
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    @jordynnm91 Check your bank records see what company premiums were being paid to
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    Whole life insurance help

    @darlene5 And yes you can call up NYL and ask for an in force illustration. That will give you projections for the future