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  1. R

    S&P500 vs All World ETF

    @justiceformyfoot I had/have a similar question. More inclined towards S&P500. Another interesting fact: seems like just the top 5 (or 10) S&P500 companies seem to be doing quite well, so one could also invest in these. Just did the numbers while responding to a comment in another thread...
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    Thoughts on portfolio

    @englishcatholic17 Thanks very much for the response.
  3. R

    Thoughts on portfolio

    @krevikes Thanks very much once again for your detailed thoughts. On the all-world vs CoreMSCI World, I did a comparison of the following three popular options: Vanguard All World Accumulating iShares ACWI iShares Core MSCI The third is the one I currently have and is only a developed...
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    Thoughts on portfolio

    @krevikes Thanks so much for the response. I agree with the three-ticker suggestion. Though, actually, I believe companies like Apple, Microsoft may still be doing well in 30 years. Microsoft has been in the top 10 of the S&P500 for the last 25 years. Most companies in the Top 10 of the S&P500...
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    Thoughts on portfolio

    Portfolio update: please feel free to comment and add thoughts. Thanks very much in advance. I know the portfolio is tech-heavy, but some of that is intentional, and I am working on making it less tech-heavy Background: 39M non-EU national living in Germany for the last 12 years, have been...