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  1. T

    Career in Finance

    @clomar You've answered your question yourself. Simply stay away from haram, I bet your skills can be used somewhere else. Just spend time contemplating and researching on how you can use your skills in another role/industry that will not involve riba. Beat thing is to make dua, tahajjud, beg...
  2. T

    Are High Yield Savings Accounts haram?

    @hope2019 Delighted to answer in detail and give as much time as needed. Let's start slow here :) Haraam, a word rooted in limits/sanctity, a simple meaning is forbidden. Only Allah decides what is Haram and what is halal (permissible). On the outset many things are clearly Haram or halal...
  3. T

    Are High Yield Savings Accounts haram?

    @hope2019 Yes! There is no long answer. It's Haram.