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  1. M

    Want to get an understanding of where I can improve with my budgeting

    @allspiceberry143 Sure, shoot me a dm if you wanna discuss more! Leaving NPS is fine, i find PPF good personally coz it’s a tax free return, so instead of FD i would have that. Its pretty easy to get a loan against the PPF amount with helps with liquidity (you can get it at 1-2%more than the...
  2. M

    Want to get an understanding of where I can improve with my budgeting

    @allspiceberry143 Please do read up on arbitrage funds, i got to about them sometime back on reddit and they’re good. At 8.4% home loan is pretty decent. Another thing that came to my mind, have you invested in PPF?
  3. M

    Want to get an understanding of where I can improve with my budgeting

    @allspiceberry143 First off all, you’re doing great as it is, any suggestions I’m sharing below is mostly nitpicking. Given you are in a higher tax bracket, maybe the 3L FD can be invested somewhere else. Since you already have a emergency fund, you could transition it to equity. Or if you...