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  1. F

    Last pockets of affordability for a detached house in “central central” Tokyo

    @victoria37 It's a grand total of a 15-20 min walk from Eastern Nakano to the Yamanote. So... I guess? They're both central Tokyo
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    Inheritance tax. Leave japan and come back?

    @twm I guess at this point I am just an Old but having a home home is more appealing to me than being rich, as long as I have enough to enjoy life at that home.
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    Last pockets of affordability for a detached house in “central central” Tokyo

    @victoria37 Nakano is absolutely central Tokyo. If nakano isn't central Tokyo then neither is Ginza
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    Last pockets of affordability for a detached house in “central central” Tokyo

    @arcticwind Kita-Senju is less than 10 minutes from Ueno, it's def central Tokyo IMO
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @ethzz People discussed it on here. I remember it well as I was thinking of opening an account with them but there were several reports of people getting their long running accounts closed because they accessed them from outside the US for too long.
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    How can I keep my U.S. investment portfolio and continue buying stocks if I move to Japan…?

    @christianzealot4 Better check with them on that - there's been several reports of Schwab closing people's accounts if accessed repeatedly overseas
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    Is 4-5 million yen a good salary in Tokyo?

    @lishacccc Good answer.
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    Amex ANA Gold Card Application

    @lovemy4girls I got a regular green card less than a year after I arrived. Good salary, but was on a 1 year visa at the time. I applied in person at a promotion booth, though.
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    Advice on car ownership?

    @william3 You can afford a car, so if you want a car, get a car. There's no bad decision here, spend some of your money to enjoy your life. I've owned a car in Tokyo for the whole 20 years I've lived here and have yet to regret doing so.
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    Cost of secondary (voluntary) car insurance in Tokyo?

    @jamessmith112 Beginner license, no insurance history, and sports car - I am guessing 150,000/yr. That's about what I paid in similar circumstances (albeit 20 years ago). With gold license and clean history, probably half that if not less.
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    Stopping Ideco

    @dee436 Thanks for the info. I had thought they were OB for USians but I had heard some others say otherwise recently and wasn't sure what to think. Makes investing overseas tough...
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    Stopping Ideco

    @ckm Lots of people say Ideco is OK for Americans, though.....?