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    Car insurance situation

    @boastnmyweakness It's still cheaper than writing off the money. Not everyone who's older automatically gets such good insurance rates either. Insurance depends on your risk profile, which includes basically everything they ask you - but the biggest factors are age, gender, overnight parking...
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    Buying a car... that will hold value

    @ahmedd77 Sure, I did lead with it, though.
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    Car insurance situation

    @boastnmyweakness If you can't afford the insurance, can you afford to be driving the car? Insurance should be a no-brainer. Nobody has R150k for another car just lying around.
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    Buying a car... that will hold value

    @leo_meshay My sleeping situation is irrelevant. Whether you deem my comment useful or not is gauged by your response to the information provided - you decided it's worth thinking over and responded. the only advice I was framing my response around is to not solely using financial...
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    Car insurance situation

    @boastnmyweakness If you get into an accident/stolen and the car is written off, are you able to replace like-for-like with the R50k you "saved" over 6 years by opting for 3rd party only?
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    Buying a car... that will hold value

    @leo_meshay Anyone who really knows what the future holds isn't going to be a reddit expert, unfortunately. Looking at past trends to predict future value is insanity. We could have an equivalent "vw dieselgate" scandal next year that sees the second hand value of the car turn to almost nothing...
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    Buying a car... that will hold value

    @jrod98 The current demand for compact SUVs is probably not sustainable - VW has only recently begun catching up with chip shortages, and statistics from mid covid time (3-year old cars) is not indicative of anything useful either, unfortunately.
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    Prepaid electricity

    @lewis1994 What's their convenience fee? How much more units do you get for the same R200 compared to buying it with cash at pnp? Not saying discovery does this, but many online vendors charge 5-15% convenience fees all-in
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    Prepaid electricity

    @harmonmarie For Citiq prepaid, buying it on their app saves you the "convenience fee" charged by banking apps, shops, etc. For everyone else, no, you can't directly get reward points or discounts for paying for tokens - it's a bill payment Edit: discovery and FNB advertised earning discounts...