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  1. S

    Cheap data?

    @resjudicata Warehouse is good for really low users, if your usage is medium or high you should switch companies.
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @jacob1996 Yes
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    What is your experience with TransferWise's multi currency account?

    @fixn_junk Just brainstorming here, anyone tried to open an US account (from an actual bank, not TW) without leaving NZ? I've done it before for HK and Aus but not sure about US banks.
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @jacob1996 There's 15GB/month free, I combined it together to simplify
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @lidusfabri2 Cool, so it's more of an honour system thing.
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @lidusfabri2 Can you tell us more what exactly do you check regarding the financial criteria?
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    What is your experience with TransferWise's multi currency account?

    @fixn_junk NZ$1.53 per transaction. ATM withdraw up to NZ$350/month are free though. It's $14 one-off, not annual. There's a fee of around 0.5% whenever you convert currency. The TW debit card is processed like a credit card, so you can't use it in small retailers that only take debit...
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    Can I use P.A.Y.E money to offset my mortgage?

    @embreezy HNRY is your "accountant" in this case. Their whole selling point is that you pay tax as you earn instead of at the end of the year. So you can't do it, unless you change accountants.
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    @resjudicata 12 month minimum term so 45/m on average which is a good deail.
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    Cheap internet from Skinny

    If you are of low income you can try Skinny Jump for internet. It's a 4g connection and the price is $5 for the first 50GB of the month, then you can buy more data of $5 for 35GB extra. Each month you can spend a maximum of $30 for a total of 225GB.