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  1. M

    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @tidius_cornelius Idk, from a few different sources it seems like a DNP from a BSN is like $40k-$70k. It's not a $160k MBA from Booth, but it's not nothing for a job (NP) with a median salary of ~$110k.
  2. M

    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @seekeroftruth343 Let's check back in with OP after he decides he wants to make more money as a Nurse Practitioner and takes out more student loans to do so. RemindMe! 11 years
  3. M

    Looking for opinions on shared finances in my relationship

    @labonall I appreciate this perspective.
  4. M

    Unmatched wages

    @timothygrae The thing I hate about this "lifestyle creep" talk is that the vast majority of Xennials on down are simply trying to earn an approximation of the standard of living they grew up with, and we've been completely propagandized into thinking that we should have regress to where our...