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  1. E

    Would you start a F&B business?

    @yiayiak Don’t do it. I’ve run a business for 8 years that services F&B businesses, and I’ve got about 3000 customers in Aus. It’s always the same story; corporate dude wants out and likes cooking and cafe culture. Pours 20k of their savings into a business. Struggles for 3 years and...
  2. E

    How can I get my previous employer to pay me?

    @apollyx Im a fan of walking before running; after months of just trying to get paid, OP may be satisfied with their payments, without pushing for capital growth etc, but I know what you mean.
  3. E

    How can I get my previous employer to pay me?

    @adviceplease OP: You need to put in writing (alongside screen shots of your texts with the CEO that support your story) what you want, a timeline of when you’d like it, as well as consequences of what will happen if an agreement isn’t made and stuck to. I.e; Hi xyz, As per our agreement...
  4. E

    Could this Home Loan idea work, would it save the current gen, and help the next gen. Thoughts, pros and cons.

    @iazlover You realise most people can’t afford a basic house now, even if they work full time. You think that’s a lifestyle choice?