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  1. H

    Guilt at Work

    @chelaine Dude, you slept and claimed that you worked. That's lying. What is there not to be sure about? The Quran condemns merchants who don't give full measure. Don't jeopardize your akhirah over some cash
  2. H

    Guilt at Work

    @chelaine What i would do is figure out how many hours you missed from sleeping and then over-work by an equivalent amount (and not report the extra hours). Overall, the net impact should be zero overall inshAllah. Of course, you can always donate to charity and do other good deeds
  3. H

    Guilt at Work

    @chelaine Ask for more work to do. Remember you will be asked about everything you did someday. Falling asleep and claiming you worked is flat-out wrong. The other things like using your phone, checking email are gray areas in my opinion.