Search results

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    Quitting My Amazing Job (Am I insane?)

    @lyonap Seems like a Leo Burnett or Ogilvy type of job. There is no end to the grind in these marketing/ad houses. You could easily go in-house marketing for the same pay (or higher) and have better work life balance.
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    Is it ok to reject offer after sign?

    @babysonsfalling This is asshole HR trying to squeeze candidate for lowest possible salary. The company can afford it but HR has KPI to reduce wage costs. If you have the Hiring Managers contact or email, you can inform them you are reconsidering due to HR not following the agreed upon amount...
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    Friend won’t pay me back, what’s my opinions?

    @frogwellprincess Leave a message on all of his social media posts asking him about the money. Shaaaaameeee!!! If you know his family then shame him there too. Go to his house and speak to his parents maybe.
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    Seeking Advice: Pros and Cons of a 3rd Floor Small Shoplot

    @nirman762 108 sqft or sqm? How shitty are the stairs to get up there? What rental you looking at? Are any other 3rd floor shoplots rented out in that area or is it all owner occupied or storage area for shoplot downstairs.
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    Hitting Rock Bottom

    @mjmotr1 You gambled and won! You spent your winnings on experiences. Life goes on. You didnt really lose that much that its rock bottom. Just build it back up and in future, dont spend more than you think is wise..
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    Is EPF the best low risk investment for people above 60 y/o?

    @letters2words Once you withdraw, the limit of 100k per annum still applies if you want to put it back in. So your relative can slowly put back 100k every year
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    Benchmarking Salaries, Savings Rate and Networth

    @taylorjr94 Hmmm, the career progression seems too ideal. Probably only 10% of people will reach Senior Manager in 10 years?
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    Rate my Finance + Need Opinion

    @erniedavid 5y free service is Mazda rite. Tbh, might be a bit tight cuz you already have 2 house loans and lotsa bills. Go for it if you got enough emergency funds sitting around. And family maintenance is amazing.. i am unmarried and salary much less than yours but my parents maintenance is...
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    Would you leave your RM10+k job in KL for a $5.5k job in SG?

    @antiteck No regrets! I found another job in malaysia that pays me more and reduces my working hours. The SG company was a bit pissy that I turned them down after they offered a bit more + spent 1hr on the phone to convince me.. but oh well. Some might say I am dumb to turn down Sibgapore...
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    Would you leave your RM10+k job in KL for a $5.5k job in SG?

    @antiteck I recently went thru the same dilemma and my conclusion was that (personally, for me) it is not worth moving to SG for less than 7k SGD salary. Things are expensive. Culture is fastpaced. I am not willing to suffer 100% more at work for 50% increased savings. And after I factor in...
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    I need advice on my Career.

    @authenticity The guy has a point. Many resources online to help inform you of accounting and/or IT pathways and necessary certification (along with which are recognised). Anyways, if you go down accounting path, forget about diploma or degree. Go straight to the professional papers (ACCA...
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    Anyone tried GXBank? Feedback?

    @eeevie I moved all my spare cash there. Daily payout of nearly FD-equivalent rates is very attractive. Everyday the interest give me free kopi (mamak kopi, not starbucks kopi)!
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    Advice on selling brand new gaming laptop

    @hillbilly13 Ooooof I feel you OP. I recently did the exact same as you and completely blew my budget at a PC fair.. by around 2k LOL. Went from mid-range to top-level RTX3080+16GB gaming laptop. I didnt need it and regretted a lot for a few weeks, but I have since made peace with my...
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    Receive Warning Letter due to Low Performance

    @letsgohome Damn. Congratulations on finding out and removing it. I wish you speedy recovery in both health and career. On that topic, stay as long as you can in current job if you can. No point taking on two stress of chemo + jobless. You can tell your next employer (if they ask why you quit...
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    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @eeevie Yes it is withheld on the US side, meaning what you get back is already taxed. For this reason, I am reluctant to invest in US-based stocks (30% tax), or even via the LSE (15% tax). I have put my funds into ETFs on the HKEX as those are not taxed. But of course its not equivalent to...
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    Advice on selling brand new gaming laptop

    @thekingzkid Damn bro what do you do that has you selling so much tech
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    Jump to 2 years contract in Oil n Gas, or remain at permanent office role?

    @notaperfectchristian Are the positives of + 7k (~RM580/month) and future O&G name worth the negatives of weird hours, almost halved annual leave (whats your daily wage?), 2 yr contract? Those hours mean you wont see your family/friends until weekends. But, you can easily get errands done in the...
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    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @daughteroftheking89 Foreign holders of stocks on NYSE get taxed 30%.