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  1. B

    1 in Dublin or 2 in the country?

    @heatherwight So those that are renting, who should they be renting from? The OP didn't say let me buy a place in Dublin, cram in 15 people and not register the place with the RTB or declare any taxes. Nor did he say let me put it on AirBnB and who cares if it's empty half of the time.
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    1 in Dublin or 2 in the country?

    @heatherwight Why is this greed? How is he trying to profit on someone's misery?
  3. B

    U.S. 401k and Irish Pension

    @millermayhem If you want, you could roll over the 401k into an IRA. The fees are probably less that you paying your 401k provider. I would probably try and do an estimation of what your net worth will likely be when you retire and what your exit taxes will be at that time. In general...
  4. B

    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    @atonofheart My dad's motto was 'tight budget', so I know where my frugality comes from. Honestly though, I highly recommend Revolut. I recently set up a budget for each category and it tells me when I have overspent. Yes, I could track this manually, but this just makes it super easy. Banks...
  5. B

    Any recommendations for a good bank in Ireland? I’m already with PTSB. I want a 2nd current account

    @atonofheart You will have to declare any accounts that you might have, including Revolut and N26. By talking to brokers, it seems that the most important thing is to show consistent savings that you don't touch at all. So make those big ticket purchases from your current account, but show that...