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  1. N

    Can someone please explain to me the total lack of personal financial planning and knowledge in this country?

    @byzantinecatholic True that. Most of what I learned at school didn’t prepare me for squat later in life. I’m pretty sure a few years after matriculating I would have failed a matric rewrite. It’s now over 30 years and I know I’d fail a matric exam because very little of it mattered except to...
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    A fellow employee at our McD’s got knocked in the drive-thru a few weeks ago and finally got paid out

    @gamefabrique R400000 can get him R20k to R40k a year in a savings account. Rather invest it and buy a cheaper car with the interest. Blowing all that money on bling just isn’t worth it in the long run.
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    Car finance advice

    @elainecrawford Typically the good advice would be it’s cheaper to keep it on the road than buy a new car. But Mini’s are in the same category as Land Rovers for example where repairs over the next five years are likely to exceed the cost of a reliable new car. You mention excessive oil...
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    House Loan vs Long Term Saving

    @unbelievable Also factor in that the 10% is tax free savings where as the 7%-8% is taxable income (after the tax free threshold).
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    Self employed bond frustrations

    @brandon9 Banks are very conservative. Usually they’ll ask for your last personal tax assessment and maybe bank statements to assess affordability for self employed people. But you’ve been living off a loan account so I take it you don’t have salary slips from the PTY? Unfortunately it is a bit...
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @32983 Nothing wrong with that budget. And you have money left over.
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    Etfs and stocks

    @danielgarcia With the amount you can save and with your knowledge I’d say ETFs for now. Later you can buy shares if you think you can beat the market. If you find you can, great. If you see you can’t, then just stick to ETFs.
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    Building financial literacy

    @farmergal I’d say yes to all four points, and add: Save up three months expenses based on the total cost when renting your own space. Save up to pay a deposit on a flat.
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    Airbnb tax implications

    @frb See an accountant. Simple. You’ve already spent lots of money on the apartment. The cost of a qualified accountant will be a drop in the ocean, and will be tax deductible.
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @32983 If you’re going to go the car route, then nothing wrong with anything Toyota. They lose less value than most cars and last for years. The resale value is important to keep in mind for when you want to upgrade in the future. My sister bought a shiny new Haval and wanted to upgrade it...
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    EasyEquities fees shot up?

    @ilovetaterzzz If you’re depositing funds in their accounts there shouldn’t be a thrive fee. So yes, if those are transaction fees for buying investments that’s too much. It might make sense to rather put the money in each month and then invest it at the end of the year.
  12. N

    EasyEquities fees shot up?

    @ilovetaterzzz What was the description for that fee? But to answer your question, if you listen to the results presentations and comments from the CEO of Purple group, they are looking at how to make EE profitable. It costs them money to run the platform and their profitability per account...
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    Does Easy Equity's new mandatory Thrive "loyalty program" violate the Consumer Protection Act?

    @reekypear This is a question you ask a court. And not a court of public opinion. Check your thinking with a lawyer. Maybe you get lucky here. There are legal advice groups for South Africa in Facebook where actual lawyers might answer your questions. That might be an option.
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    Should I buy a car or apartment?

    @32983 I’d get the flat and save up for a cheaper car. R400k is a lot of money for a deprecating asset. A quick search on Auto Trader shows one and two year old models in the low R300s which are still under warranty. Like so:
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    TFSA ETFs Dropping

    @tanuki_elex Which ETFs are you referring to exactly? Regardless, global markets have done really well over the last while. Those are eventually followed by corrections. They’re normal. Volatility is normal.