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  1. S

    23 years old and not sure what to do

    @rupereta Are you paying rent? If so you should really consider buying. If you are buying a house/apt to live in then don't view it as an investment, it's a home. It's also happens to be an asset, but that is secondary. When/If you buy be sure you'll be happy to live in/own his for 10-15...
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    I’m really sick of all the “suggest a broker” post

    @gurshwin A sticky or sidebar with the brokers and tradable securities for each would solve a lot of this.
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    Is this a good deal?

    @duke7779 That's is such a pathetic and shit contribution, frankly it is insulting.
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    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    @anro25 Good Question, and the answer is a little longer than I first anticipated when I started typing. First, of course I'd prefer to invest in a fund that has a base currency of euros, it makes the transaction easier, and avoids the small added cost of converting between currencies. As for...
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    Is this a good deal?

    @duke7779 If they are matching your contribution up to 10%, that is pretty standard not great, not awful. The fees are a little high.
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    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    @latashadavis Mostly the Ballie and Gifford funds, so Edinburgh Worldwide, Monks, Scottish Mortgage. B&G have a proven track record of picking stocks and they diversify all over the developed world and some emerging markets. I also have units of the Allianz Technology Trust. I've been looking...
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    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    @war_eagle You can invest in UK based Investment Trusts. These are actively managed and linked to indexes but do not directly track them. They have higher charges than ETFs, the ones I'm in are typically 0.3 -0.9%. The ones I'm in do not pay dividends, but many do. They are closed ended...
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @bonin151 Yet Europe somehow consistently manages to not clear this lowered bar.
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @bonin151 True, but there is absolutely nothing on the horizon from the EU or Japan than might turn this around. Intact both seem hell bent on doing the opposite
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    Dare to 'disagree' with Buffet and Bogle?

    @christiantracks How's that working out for him? The yen has been declining at a steady rate for about 3 years.
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    What is the issue with the 8 year deemed disposal?

    @anro25 I completely share your frustration around ETFs but some of your analysis is incorrect. The big insurance companies investment vehicles are usually OEICs which are also subject to the deemed disposal rule. The investment industry as a whole is opposed to the deemed disposal rule. It...