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    Why investors should not be worried about the expansion of the money supply causing inflation in four easy charts.

    @juns The Fed manages interest rates but they're still beholden to the overall bond market. 2019/2020 was proof of that when bond yields tanked and they were forced to start lowering rates ahead of covid. Likewise if we get 5% inflation for a few more years they will be forced to heavily hike...
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    French CPI jumps 0.8% in Februari! Germany adds 0.4%

    @ineedjusus216 Annual raises and price adjustments typically happen in Q1..
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    Summary of today's FOMC meeting: The labor market remains too strong

    @elvz10 My understanding is the injected liquidity program will need to be paid back within a year or two. So really it's giving banks room to unfuck their balance sheet and then pay things back within a relatively short period.
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    US January PPI 6.0% y/y vs 5.4% expected and US initial jobless claims 194K versus 200K estimate

    @sonnessa A decline in M2 basically guarantees an eventual crisis, right? We have declining money which would be okay if people were deleveraging, but if you look at debt levels they continue to ratchet upwards. Something will have to give eventually, either a spending slowdown to deleverage or...