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  1. M

    Unilever stock categories

    @coffeeandprayer Cool. Why the drastic price difference though? 3k GBP vs 45Eur? The EUR based one pays dividends as well? Yeah, I'm investing in EUR so I need to consider the currency exchange too.
  2. M

    Unilever stock categories

    I have been looking at Unilever as a possible investment and I have found different listings on different stock exchanges. On their official website, they list 3 different stock categories: Unilever PLC - London Stock...
  3. M

    How much more tax will I pay on dividends for US stocks as an Irish tax resident?

    @coffeeandprayer So it will be 40% of the dividends? (US takes 15 and Ireland takes 25%). Ouch, that makes reinvesting harder.
  4. M

    How much more tax will I pay on dividends for US stocks as an Irish tax resident?

    I'm a Canadian citizen living in Ireland. I'm an Irish tax resident. I bought some US-based stocks on Degiro and eToro. e.g. Apple, Microsoft, Coca-cola. Ireland has a double taxation treaty with the US...