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  1. C

    Do EE or Absa have a money market equivalent with compound interest that doesn't require 250k upfront?

    @vancouverguy Yup big lesson. Though if I had picked nvidea for example...
  2. C

    Do EE or Absa have a money market equivalent with compound interest that doesn't require 250k upfront?

    @vancouverguy My personal equities portfolio is up 22% and it's biggest contributors are capitec and shoprite. My tfs are up 39% and does indeed have a fair amount of s&p. Then my usd is -7% and that is the biggest contribution to my EE account. It's highly indexed on tsla which - 'before we...
  3. C

    Bond or dividend?

    @agape1111 Don't close the bond but pay it off as much as possible. Not paying rent or mortgage really frees you up financially.
  4. C

    Do EE or Absa have a money market equivalent with compound interest that doesn't require 250k upfront?

    Currently at absa and EE. My personal investments have not been that great (up about 20% but that's over like 7 years), so I kinda want to switch to something a bit more guaranteed with less ups and downs. Something with compounding interest.