Harley-Davidson ($HOG) to Move Some Production From U.S. Because of E.U. Tariffs

@rishad Why can’t we just not turn restaurants into the next political battlefield? That being said, businesses should have the right to deny whoever they want. Gay people, Republicans, Democrats, whatever. It’s a very dumb business policy though and I hope those places would go out of business.
Why can’t we just not turn restaurants into the next political battlefield

We tried that, Republicans were the ones who fought for the right to do it. I feel nothing but Schadenfreude towards people who celebrated the right to discriminate before now getting their knickers in a twist because it's not so fun when it's directed at you. I'd call it just desserts but I think Dairy Queen banned Sanders from their chain.

That being said, businesses should have the right to deny whoever they want. Gay people, Republicans, Democrats, whatever.

Until they discriminate against you that is, and then it's how immoral and attacked you feel. If you are an actual civil libertarian, I have nothing but compliments because you're being ideologically consistent. But the VAST majority of people currently outraged over this showed not a shred of empathy when it was directed to a minority they didn't like. I'm not pro discrimination and would like for businesses to not be able to deny anyone service based on their physical characteristics or opinions, but in the meantime, you reap what you sow
@rishad I mean I'm not talking about other people, I get that there are plenty of hypocrites on both sides. I'm talking from a strictly moral standpoint. I'm not as radical as a Libertarian but I'm definitely very pro-small government.

I get the point of the protected classes but it just strikes me as an overreach of government power for them to tell you who you can and can't service. If some business really didn't want to take my money, you're right I would be pissed. I'd tell all my friends, I'd post on social media, and hopefully other people would put pressure on the business.

Honestly I'm talking in hypotheticals here man. I just don't want to see a voter ID required to get a McChicken lol.
@corne I don't know what kind of a picture you're trying to paint of rural America but it's not as bad as you'd think. Why would any black families want to live in a town where there is that much blatant open racism against them? I'm assuming that this fictional hypothetical racist town you're thinking of would not be a nice place for these black families to live even if places were not legally allowed to discriminate against them.

I'm not trying to defend the practice of sending people away though, just talking about a moral right of denial of service. I would hope that any business denying service to groups would go out of business.

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