How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? (2024)

AirBnB is one of the fastest growing companies disrupting the startup space. Having scored the top spot on the “Best Places to Work for in 2016” report, by Glassdoor and with increasing demand fordata science skills, from all sides of the organization from product tofinanceto operations – AirBnB is definitely a name to reckon in the data science technology domain. The secret behind the growth of business for AirBnB is cultivating trust.Data Science technologiesare at the core of identifying drivers of trust to engage more users and find out novel ways on how to alleviate trust. Data science technology is the key differentiator for the rapid growth of AirBnB and how it is able to make better recommendations by matching the right people together. AirBnB data scientists have been in the forefront of developing unique data products and modifying existing open source technologies to perfect suit their needs.

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AirBnB matches people who are looking for accommodation (guests) in a particular city with people who are willing to rent out their place. Guests can connect with the hosts based on the listings they prefer to stay in. A match is said to be successful on AirBnB only if the host is willing to accommodate the guest. With over 10 million nights booked - more than 25 million people across 192 countries and 34,000 cities having availed their services - the AirBnB revenue is rising sky-high scoring a valuation of $25.5 billion as of June 2015.

Table of Contents

  • Data –The Lifeblood of Business at AirBnB
    • Data Science at AirBnB
      • 1) A/B Testing
      • 2) Image Recognition and Analysis
      • 3) Natural Language Processing
      • 4) Predictive Modelling
      • 5) Regression Analysis
      • 6) Collaborative Filtering
    • Hadoop Workflow System at AirBnB – Airflow
    • How AirBnB used big data to propel its growth?

With 20 TB of data created daily and 1.4 petabytes of archived data, it has become the lifeblood of business at AirBnB. AirBnB serves approximately 10 million requests a day and processes one million search queries. Data is the voice of customers at AirBnB and is used to offer personalized services by creating a perfect match between the guests and hosts for supreme customer experience. AirBnB uses host guest interaction, current events and local market history to provide real time recommendations –which the travellers can accept or reject.

Data is the voice of your customer. Data is effectively a record of an action someone in your community performed, which represents a decision they made about what to do (or not) with your product. Data scientists can translate those decisions to stories that others can understand. - said Riley Newman, head of the data science team at AirBnB

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For a completely online organization like AirBnB, data analytics plays a vital role in providing best in class customized services to customers. AirBnB uses the right set of scalable, flexiblebig data toolsand data science techniques to continue their growth. The data science team at AirBnB believes in using data driven insights to influence decisions and make sure that the decisions have the intended effect on customers.

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How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? (2)

How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? (3)

Data Science at AirBnB

How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? (4)

Data Science at AirBnB helps prioritize product decisions and is the secret behind tremendous growth of this startup. AirBnB data scientists are the loudhailers for amplifying the voice of the customers by predicting their desires from customer interaction logs and interpreting them to incorporate actionable decision for the product, customer support and the marketing team. There are several data science techniques being used by AirBnB to learn more about its users-

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1) A/B Testing

This is a common data science method used to find out the best product fit or market fit. Using A/B testing methodology, data science team tests various designs or configurations of a website or a product to understand how users respond to them. Data Science team at AirBnB uses A/B testing by exposing the users of their website, to various recommendation and ranking algorithms. The behaviour of the users is then correlated with the actual ratings or reviews they leave, which helps them test the effectiveness of the algorithms. The main objective of A/B Testing at AirBnB is to find out if they are doing a better job by matching the right people together.

2) Image Recognition and Analysis

Photos serve as the initial contact between AirBnB and its users. Guests are likely to make a decision on - if they should go with a particular listing based on what attracts their eyes. AirBnB does analysis on photos to find out which ones work best for their users, what features in the photos make them most sought after and what kind of photos on the website get more number of clicks. AirBnB is still in the initial stages of using the photo analysis machine learning technology. The motive of implementing this at AirBnB is to create a feedback loop that will help the hosts on their website, to get best in class photos for their listing. The algorithm is expected to automatically recommend the AirBnB free professional photography service that connects hosts on AirBnB with other professional photographers nearby.

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How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? (5)

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How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? (6)

Ed Godalle

Director Data Analytics at EY / EY Tech

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3) Natural Language Processing

At AirBnB, the host and the guest experience a real life interaction which sometimes forces them to leave better reviews even if the experience was only just satisfactory. These reviews falsely portray a positive image for the host and guest and star ratings are usually exaggerated. To interpret the true feelings of users, AirBnB uses natural language processing technology that analyses the review boards or the messages boards through sentiment analysis. This helps AirBnB understand about the true feeling behind the reviews.

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4) Predictive Modelling

Predictive modelling technique is an interesting side of data science at AirBnB to analyse how various markets will perform, so that the resources can be prioritized. Using predictive modelling, AirBnB can create market specific forecast with multiple variables. AirBnB has a devoted team that forecasts and reports to optimize the existing predictive models. Data mining at AirBnB helps the hosts to predict the best possible rates for their rentals.

5) Regression Analysis

AirBnB uses regression analysis technique to find out which features of a particular listing have a major impact on the bookings made. Regression analysis has helped AirBnB figure out that, the quality of visuals plays a vital role in bookings. To enhance the quality of visuals they started free professional photography for hosts and the results are amazing. This has led to a definite rise in revenue for AirBnB.

6) Collaborative Filtering

AirBnB data science team uses collaborative filtering techniques to model host preferences. Using collaborative filtering, the users (hosts) and the items (trips) data can be used to understand the preference for items by combining historical ratings through statistical learning from related hosts. However, collaborative filtering framework alone did not fit in completely into the model for host preferences. The data scientists used the multiplicity of responses for guest host interaction, for the same trip, to cut down the noise coming from the latent factors.

Hadoop Workflow System at AirBnB – Airflow

AirBnB is a big user of theHadoop technology, as all the unstructured information about the rooms, room owners, locations of the room is sorted and analysed using the open source framework - Hadoop. Apache Hive data warehouse is used on top of Hadoop with 1.5 petabytes of data. To process more number of Hadoop jobs regularly at AirBnB the marketing team and all other employees also use the analysis tools.

AirBnB approximately processes 6000 hadoop tasks daily. Using only Hadoop, was causing some difficulties in maintaining the order of tasks and coordinating the results which led to the development of its own hadoop workflow system known as Airflow. Airflow is open source and is already in use at five companies. Airflow is a tool built by the data engineers for the data people, that mainly focuses on authoring and monitoring new data pipelines.

Airflow is easy to install and usespython languageinterface, that helps users define new classes of data, commands how to manage these classes and writes “for loop” or any other python statements which require repetition.

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Airflow is used for batch processing side of Hadoop when there are several jobs to be executed. This hadoop workflow system at AirBnB ensures that all the resources are assigned correctly, executed and run in the right order and after completion their execution is not involuntarily repeated. The progress of jobs is also monitored by Airflow and results are updated to various business processes. Airflow can show how many hadoop jobs are running, what are the resources in use by those jobs, how many jobs have completed, how many jobs with errors have disturbed the multi job workflow.

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How AirBnB used big data to propel its growth?

1) Enhanced Search Features

AirBnB’s matching algorithm between the hosts and guests is driven by effective search. Thus, effective tuning of the search engine is important to drive growth and delight customers. Earlier, AirBnB did not have enough data that could be analysed to provide guidance to their customers so it just returned the highest quality of listings in nearby locations based on the users search.

With increased number of users, AirBnB acquired more data over time and substituted their initial search model with user data driven search model. A model was built using the huge dataset of host and guest interaction. The model was built on an estimated conditional probability of booking in a particular location, given the person searched.

A search for accommodation in San Francisco will also drive the model towards neighbouring areas typically where there is a probability for a person to likely make a booking, for example Lower Haight or Mission District.

User data driven search model led to increased number of bookings and high level of customer satisfaction. AirBnB succeeded in delivering a better product to its customers by tapping into big data technologies.

2) Guiding Hosts to the Perfect Price

AirBnB price tip feature, is a continuously updating guide that tells hosts what is the probability of them getting a booking at the price they have chosen. Hosts can look at the calendar and see what dates they are likely to be sold out at the current price offering (highlighted in green) and which dates they aren’t (highlighted in red). If a host prices their listings within 5% of the suggested price by the price tip feature - the probability of them getting a booking increases times 4.

AirBnB price recommendation engine pulls approximately 5 billion training data points. The model is designed to pull together everything that AirBnB’s huge data set can predict about the best price of a listing depending, on various factors like the size of the listing, the neighbourhood, etc. Aerosolve, an open source machine learning package built by AirBnB data science team is the secret behind AirBnB price tips for hosts. Themachine learning package helps AirBnB find more relationships between the prices and host listings.

3) Driving Company Growth

AirBnB is driving growth by tailoring customer requirements based on different demographics. In 2014, AirBnB found that customers from particular Asian countries have a higher bounce rate when they visit the home page and most of them leave the website without making a booking. Later from data analysis, AirBnB found that users were diverted by the “Neighbourhood” link and the photos and would never return to make a booking after going through these photos.

The data science team at AirBnB redesigned the algorithm and removed the “Neighbourhood” link for visitors from Asian countries. They rather listed Top Travelling Destinations in Singapore, China, Japan and Korea. The result was astonishing - Asian visitor’s conversion rates increased by 10%.

AirBnB has taught some valuable lessons when it comes to considering big data as the voice of customers. The takeaway from the success of AirBnB for any company is to-

  1. Consider data as the soul of your business.
  2. Hire data scientists who can decipher what customers need just by looking at the data and
  3. Make data-driven product decisions that will drive success.

We would love to hear your thoughts on any other company that uses Big Data to increase their profitability and make data driven business decisions to the extent of AirBnB.



How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? (7)

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ProjectPro is the only online platform designed to help professionals gain practical, hands-on experience in big data, data engineering, data science, and machine learning related technologies. Having over 270+ reusable project templates in data science and big data with step-by-step walkthroughs,

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How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? (2024)


How Data Science increased AirBnB's valuation to $25.5 bn? ›

Aerosolve, an open source machine learning package built by AirBnB data science team is the secret behind AirBnB price tips for hosts. The machine learning package helps AirBnB find more relationships between the prices and host listings.

How did Airbnb succeed because of data science? ›

Airbnb uses data to not only improve their service and search, but their hiring practices and customer groups as well. They've actively looked to hire female data scientists and take great strides to ensure that there is no unconscious bias in their hiring practices.

What increases Airbnb value? ›

Optimize Property Features and Amenities

These attractions enhance the overall guest experience and attract more bookings, especially during peak seasons and holidays. Pools and hot tubs, in particular, are sought-after amenities that can significantly increase the value of an Airbnb listing.

How does data science add value to a business? ›

Impact of data science in business. Adding data science to your business practices can make a marked difference in productivity, decision-making, and product development. It can help you minimize or eradicate the risk of fraud and error, increase efficiency, and provide better customer service.

How do I make my Airbnb more valuable? ›

Host more People

Accommodating your Airbnb to host more guests is a great way to increase revenue. Add additional sleeping spaces like a pullout couch bed so more people can occupy the property. Take steps to make your vacation rental friendly to kids, pets, people with disabilities and the elderly.

How has data science increased Airbnb's valuation to $25.5 bn? ›

With increased number of users, AirBnB acquired more data over time and substituted their initial search model with user data driven search model. A model was built using the huge dataset of host and guest interaction.

What factors made Airbnb so successful? ›

Airbnb's massive success is largely attributed to its strategic emphasis on design thinking and user experience. By prioritizing the needs and preferences of its users, Airbnb cultivated a culture of broad-based thinking.

Why is Airbnb valued so high? ›

🔹 Unlike hotels, Airbnb makes most of its revenue from charging both hosts and guests a commission on bookings made through its platform. 🔹 The total dollar value of bookings on its platform is referred to as gross bookings value (GBV). The percentage of this Airbnb charges in commissions is its "take rate".

How to increase value rating on Airbnb? ›

The majority of Airbnb reviews in the U.S. in 2023 were 5 stars, highlighting the value of top ratings for hosts. To earn 5-star reviews, hosts should focus on accurate listing descriptions, cleanliness, offering quality amenities, exceptional guest experiences, and effective communication.

How can Airbnb increase consideration? ›

In this article
  1. Let your listing description sparkle with high-quality photos.
  2. Show you've got what guests want.
  3. Maximise your time with hosting tools and by troubleshooting.
  4. Make booking easier with Instant Book, pre-approvals or special offers.
  5. Use guest reviews to improve your listing.
  6. Get tips for the off-season.

How data science can improve business efficiency? ›

Data science eliminates a lot of the guesswork when it comes to creating marketing campaigns, deciding what content to publish, or developing new products. Data analytics enables you to have a 360-degree perspective of your customers, thus allowing you to better understand them and address their needs.

How to use data science to increase sales? ›

How to Use Data Science
  1. Determine Where Your Traffic Comes From. ...
  2. Identify Weak Points in Your Sales Funnel. ...
  3. Identify Low-Volume Accounts. ...
  4. Ensure Compatibility. ...
  5. Focus Your Offered Products/Services. ...
  6. Improve Your Offerings. ...
  7. Form Partnerships for Profit. ...
  8. Narrow Marketing Targets.

How data science is changing business? ›

Businesses can use data science to predict logistical challenges in their supply chains, optimize their inventory, and even shave off critical minutes from delivery times – all through data-driven insights.

How does Airbnb create value? ›

Airbnb is creating value by initiating and managing transactions between guests and hosts of short-term property rentals. They make money by charging a transaction fee (=commission) on each transaction. A majority of stays are in the leisure market with business travel remaining a major growth opportunity.

How to improve an Airbnb? ›

Here are nine specific tips to help you increase your Airbnb ranking:
  1. Use SEO strategies. ...
  2. Lower your price. ...
  3. Use good photographs. ...
  4. Activate instant book. ...
  5. Complete your profile. ...
  6. Be responsive. ...
  7. Add additional amenities. ...
  8. Send a welcome and check-out message.

How does Airbnb increase prices? ›

Airbnb prices fluctuate according to demand. If an Airbnb listing's prices are not changing, the property owner is not getting the highest revenue possible out of their listing. The process of changing prices in correlation with market demand in order to optimize revenue is called 'dynamic pricing'.

What were the key factors that contributed to Airbnb's market success? ›

Airbnb's success is often chalked up to its unique model of community-driven hospitality and user-friendly platform. However, a less discussed factor is its ability to provide a local and personalized experience that goes beyond just accommodation.

How did technology help Airbnb? ›

Predictive search: Airbnb previously used factors like trip date, duration and price to match guests with relevant listings. With the adoption of machine learning algorithms, they now provide more tailored guest recommendations, increasing the likelihood of a successful booking.

How does Airbnb use big data analytics? ›

Airbnb: Dynamic Pricing: Airbnb, the worldwide hospitality platform, implements dynamic pricing tactics using big data analytics. Airbnb modifies lodging costs in real time by assessing factors such as demand, seasonality, local events, and customer behavior.

How did Airbnb gain competitive advantage? ›

Business Model

Users were free to browse as they pleased and were only prompted to pay a service charge when a reservation occurred, allowing Airbnb to maximize the number of potential transactions. Airbnb expanded on its first mover advantage by focusing on customer service and satisfaction.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.